domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

Estória do Gato e da Lua

Or (Tale About The Cat And The Moon )it's a poem. A tale made of silence and complicity. Light and shadows, the charm of the night, the moon as a passion... This is a tale about someone who tried to make the dream come true. This is the hopeless love ,IMPOSSIBLE sensation ,it's The tale about the cat and the moon. Portugal Animation .
Director: Pedro Serrazina
Animation: Yann Thual
Script: Pedro Serrazina
Editing: Pedro Serrazina
Music: Manuel Tentugal
Narrator: Joaquim de Almeida

1 comentario:

Fátima Vale dijo...

preciso de encontrar o contacto do YANN THUAL ! sou uma colega que o não vêw há imenso tempo...tenho urgência em encontrá-lo.poderia ajudar-me?

Fátima Vale