sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

Michael Dudok de Wit

Father and Daughter is a 2000 Dutch animated short film, made by Michaël Dudok de Wit. It won the 2000 Academy Award for Animated Short Film. It's notable for beating out Don Hertzfeldt's Rejected for the Oscar. The film also received over 20 awards and 1 nomination and is considered the most successful in the series of works by Michaël. It was also included in the Animation Show of Shows.

Story plot: A Father says goodbye to his young daughter and leaves. As the wide Dutch landscapes live through their seasons so the girl lives through hers. She becomes a young woman, has a family and in time she becomes old, yet within her there is always a deep longing for her father.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Uau. Fa molts anys que vaig veure aquest curt i és del que tinc millors records. Impressionant! Felicitats Dudok.